
100 days of marriage.

on monday December 9, 2013 Colin and i had been married for 100 days! crazy how the time flies. that morning Colin had work later so we were able to eat breakfast together. during breakfast he turned to me and said, "i was gonna wait to tell you this, but HAPPY 100 DAYS OF MARRIAGE! that means we are going out to dinner tonight." how adorable...

that night we went out to Buffalo Wild Wings; my choice. i had been craving it all day at work. it was delightful. when we got home Colin ran into the back room and said i had to go sit in the living room. a little while later he came out saying he couldn't wait any longer. he had written down 100 things he loved about me. he had cut about 1/3 of them in half and was going to put them in an envelope, but decided he wanted to give it to me right away! i read every single one and it made me melt. i sure love that man.

so since we have been married for 100 days, i thought i would give you some pieces of advice i've learned in my short time being Mrs. Anderson.

  1. [i know people always say this, but] never go to bed mad! don't do it. resolve the issue before you fall asleep. otherwise it has time to fester and it can cause you to wake up still thinking about it. 
  2. never talk bad about your spouse to anyone! just because you are in a bad mood, you don't want to hurt your spouse. you want to uplift your spouse, not bring them down. i would never want to hurt colin. i try to put myself into that situation. if i heard from someone that my husband said something bad about me, it would destroy me. so i never want my husband to be put into that situation.
  3. always go to bed with a kiss, and wake up with a kiss. just do it. it's cute and i love it! it's how colin and i always end the night and start the morning. 
  4. think more about your spouse than yourself. the whole point of marriage is to be selfless and serve. i love giving my all into my marriage and my husbands happiness is my happiness.
  5. be honest with your spouse. there is nothing more important than being 100% upfront in everything.
  6. trust your spouse. trust is what the whole relationship is built upon.
  7. if there is something bothering you, tell your spouse! they are never going to know unless you say something. sometimes i make the mistake of thinking my husband can read my mind and i get upset because he doesn't know what i'm thinking. then i laugh at myself and end up telling him what's on my mind.
  8. combine your money asap. colin and i had so many things going on and different things to pay for that it took forever for us to combine our money into one account. it caused a lot of stress and i wish we would have done it sooner. it just makes things a lot easier.
  9. say 'i love you' at least once a day. there is nothing i love more, or love to say more than 'i love you.' it is important! and you may think that you don't need to say it everyday, or more than once a day, but it is an important reminder to your spouse.
  10. don't do anything you aren't comfortable with. i will admit, the first couple weeks colin and i were married it was so weird getting use to always having him around and figuring how to live with a man. also, being newly married you have to figure things out and figure out what you are and aren't comfortable with. be patient with your spouse and it's important to communicate. communication is key.


  1. I love this so much. and seriously, amen to the list! There are so many things I've learned since being married & they are absolutely wonderful, they just took a while to understand and I'm sure will take the rest of my life to fully understand! I love having married friends. You guys are the best and I am sooooo happy that you are happy.

  2. Love this list! Though sometimes I go back and forth on the first one. Not that my husband and I have ever really had a fight, but if your so extremely tired some people say things out tiredness and can make matters worse. Congrats on a 100 days of marriage!
