
christmas countdown/service chain: DEC 10 & 11.

DEC. 10th i cleaned the bathroom. it was well over due for a cleaning and i knew it. so i grudgingly put it off until there was nothing else i could possibly do in our little apartment. after i finished i felt great and i was so dang glad i did it. nothing like a clean bathroom.

DEC. 11th [today! i finally caught up!] i made the bed. colin and i both get up so early to go to class and work that we rarely have time in the morning to make the bed. some days it doesn't even get made...because of my frequent naps. but i love walking into our room and having our bed made. i love when its clean. doing all these little acts of service around our apartment make me happy, and they make me feel better. I love trying to make my husbands life a little easier. 

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