
husbands birthday.

on the 12th of October 22 years ago colin was born. and here we are, 22 years later; married and loving life! i made him a cake, which started off his birthday week, and i even put sparklers in it. just to be fancy.

then on saturday morning i forced him to open all of his presents. i almost made him open them the night before, i am terrible at giving gifts to people. i want them to open them the second i wrap them.

he got a killer jacket, a sweater, checkered shirt and a mofi. he is still in love with it of course.

then his family surprised him with jazz tickets! luckily his team was playing [the clippers]. on the 3rd row i might add. it was amazing because i have never been that close. oh colin, he was like a kid on christmas. it was adorable! "i'm freaking pumped!!" was his phrase of the night.

and yes, i played '22' by T-Swift all day long for him. I just couldn't help myself. that's my hubby! he's finally 22. and i'm feeling 20 too.

i must rant a bit about this guy. he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i couldn't ask for a better husband. he is so wonderful and my #1 fan. he is my best friend and cracks me up all the time. i am so thankful that he took me to the temple and we can be together forever. i just freaking love that kid! happy birthday colin anderson!

1 comment:

  1. hahhaha if your turning 22 i think its a rule now you have to listen to Taylor Swift. ;)
