
asylum 49.

saturday, after watching conference and visiting Salt Lake, husband and i were driving home when we decided to be very spontaneous. he turned to me and said "hey do you wanna go to asylum 49?" of course i do!

one thing you must know about us is that we both love scary movies. we discovered asylum 49 this year and thought about going, but it is all the way out in tooele, and since we reside in logan, we didn't think there would be a good chance of us making it out there. but since most of our adventures as a married couple are spontaneous, we decided to go.

after what seemed like forever in the car, we finally reached the asylum. literally you drive until you think you have hit the middle of nowhere and nothing else could possibly be any further...but of course you have to drive farther into the middle of nowhere. who doesn't love tooele?

let me give you a little back knowledge on asylum 49:
+ the haunted house takes place in an actual asylum, which is actually smelling and creepy.
+ it is full contact. so the 'haunters' can touch you, grab you, and separate you from your group
+ they threaten you that they will grab you and strap you to a gurney for several hours

so...being the cuties we are, we walked up to the ambulance that was selling tickets and grabbed our wrist bands. the lady put them on us and made us sign and thumb-print a waver saying we were fine with being touched. yeah this was when i started thinking, "what have i gotten myself into?"

let me tell ya, it for sure smelt like an asylum, but it was by far the scariest haunted house i have ever been to. immediately they started touching me, grabbing me, whispering in my ears and trying to take me away from colin. after a couple body checks from husband they let go luckily. i didn't want to end up on a gurney for 5 hours.

although it sounds a bit alarming, i would recommend going. its a once in a life time experience thats for sure. i would go a million more times if it was closer to logan.


  1. okay this sounds horrifying!!! You are like one of the bravest girls I know! I went to a haunted corn maze on Saturday and about peed my pants, and they couldn't even touch me. I think I love being scared, but then when I am in the moment I just think how stupid I am that I put myself in the situation haha


  2. I can't even handle the frightmares haunted houses. Putting this on my list of things to never do ;) Glad you're alive and had fun though! haha

  3. Whats funny is, iim probably one of thoughs people you talked about whispering in your ear
