

ring // forever 21

+ as of late i have been craving everything fall. pumpkins, candles, boots, scary movies, you name it.

+ the saratov approach is amazingly wonderful. i would recommend anyone to see it. especially if you love crying. 

+ the husband and i finished Prison Break and are now on to Breaking Bad. what an interesting show, but addictive. 

+ egg nog, egg nog. can't get enough.

+ since i have picked up some new running clothes i have picked up running again. funny how that works...

+ husband and i are going to be 'old people' for halloween. hopefully we get some trick-or-treaters. 

+ i see stars new album is mouth watering. can't stop listening for the life of me. 

+ there has been no work for me this week and i have loved every minute of hanging with my husband all day long after classes. i have been so spoiled this week.

+ i need to re-educate myself in the macklemore area. since we will be seeing him on the 26th. yup my husband is pretty dang cool and scored us 10th row tickets. we're gonna pop some tags.

+ i feel like i should do a happiness list after every post...habit.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same.... fall everything. fall this. fall that. ;) xo
