
on being mrs. anderson.

it's been almost two weeks since i married my best friend and became 'mrs. anderson.' it was the best decision and i can't wait to spend forever with my husband.

being husband & wife still has a surreal feel to it. everyday colin and i look at each other and say, "we are so married right now!" its like playing house, but it's possibly the best thing ever because you get to be with your best friend 24/7 and you get to have sleepovers. 

we are both working and going to school at good old Utah State. we wash our own dishes and make dinner together. i have even got husband hooked on Prison Break, it's part of our nightly relaxing routine. 

everyone should get married right now, just to experience how wonderful married life is. i have a husband who i think the world of and we have a blast all the time. he makes me laugh uncontrollable and he can always seem to read my mind.

find the man you are suppose to love and marry the crap out of him. that's my advice.


  1. Sara. This is precious. And so so perfect. I am so excited about this new blog of yours. (It's adorable, by the way). Being married really is the best thing ever, isn't it? There's something beautiful about giving your whole self to someone and them loving you unconditionally throughout forever.

  2. i'm dying. this is beyond cute. kill me.
    I wanted to come to the reception so badly, but I ended up moving and everything was crazy.
    But I just want to say that I love you guys.

  3. I've made that same comment to my husband so many times. Why don't people want to get married? It's pretty much the best thing ever! I'm so excited to keep up with your married blog now ;)

  4. I'm dying. This is so precious! You two are sooo cute.

  5. So excited for you! Married life is the best!!! I loved reading your last blog! And so excited to read this one!
