

welcome to this little continuation of my happiness. now i get to continue my happiness with that boy colin! we are a cute little couple awaiting to get married on august 31, 2013. 40 days my friends, then i get to become Sara Anderson. it kinda sounds perfect to me. we can start off with my favorite photo of Colin & I. it might also because its one of our engagements...but the only one we have at the moment. we are both super excited to get them back.

so let me introduce ourselves:

+ education major at Utah State
+ lover of orange juice
+ madly in love with colin
+ loves fishing
+ thinks naps are wonderful
+ addicted to pinterest and instagram
+ favorite color is blue
+ loves treats

+ ice cream lover
+ served a mission in Sacramento, California
+ favorite color is red
+ enjoys listening to Sleeping With Sirens, I See Stars, and A Day To Remember
+ drop dead handsome
+ has a secret dimple on his right cheek
+ has mad serenading skills on guitar

+ love mini golfing
+ excellent bowlers
+ rock out in the car together
+ thinks they are cute
+ go on dates
+ take sunday naps
+ watch workaholics

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