
new kicks & melons.

+ husband and i spent the weekend in Green River at Melon Days. eating watermelon for free might i add. my feet got sticky and my nose got some sun.

+ i bought new shoes, and new boots. the boots were ready for retirement and they were free also. i like free things, and in logan boots are a must in the winter. i literally wear them every day, call me a boot whore.

+ logan is starting to get cold. scarf and cardigan weather is here and i couldn't be more ecstatic. there is nothing i love more than a good cardigan and boots. 

+ colin and i are in the middle of the 3rd season of Prison Break, and colin is dying. i am sure if he didn't have to work he would stay up 24/7 watching prison break. [without eating or sleeping] of course that's how i was too when i watched it the first time. i still think Michael Scofield is a totally Bad-A.

+ mondays are rarely enjoyable, but i get to have lunch with the husband, so that makes mondays suck less. 

+ my throat is raw and i am afraid the colds have come early this year. it's the curse when you work with kids everyday. 

+ i am itching to go clothes shopping. i haven't been since the beginning of summer. plus, fall clothes are funner to get anyway, and i live in a winter zone. [yes i said funner, i don't mind if it's not a word.]

+ i am still scared to cook anything in the oven, although i love baking more than anything. this dilemma needs to be fixed. 

1 comment:

  1. I have some fabulous recipes that are EASY. I sucked at cooking when I first got married. Love you!!
