
a late easter & absence.

we like to be silly.

as  you can obviously tell i have had a slight absence, and no, i haven't given up on my workout challenge, but yes i have been deathly ill. if you follow me on twitter you might have noticed my obvious rants about it. let me explain myself.

friday we went down to Salt Lake to spend Easter with my family. everything was going great until saturday. saturday the husband and i went easter shopping, he didn't know what to get me so he let me pick everything out. [he's cute..."surprise! we are gonna go on a shopping spree!"] so after lunch i started feeling really weak and fatigued. saturday night it got so bad i had a high fever and couldn't eat anything.

i was a smart girl so i grabbed a garbage can just incase...and i was right. at 3:00 in the morning i woke up and my stomach was killing me. so i bet you can guess what came next...it wasn't pretty. luckily i have the best husband ever and he just takes care of me like none other.

sunday morning [easter], we raided our easter baskets and i was feeling good enough to have toast!....but then i got sick again. i couldn't stand or sit longer than a few seconds without having to inhale buckets of rubbing alcohol. so i stayed home and slept it off while everyone went to church.

after a nap i felt good enough to get ready, but the only reason i got ready was so we could take those family pictures above, and it took me a good hour.

we had a family party and i munched on crackers. crackers have been my friend for the past week. that is basically all i have eaten besides some applesauce and toast. i have had 2 real meals this week. tuesday night and last night. both times my stomach wasn't happy. so i am assuming i have a touch of the flu. yay for crackers and not eating. i haven't enjoyed it all that much.

i am happy to announce that today [being friday] i have been able to eat breakfast and lunch! i am very happy, and so is my husband. i will be getting back to the gym now that i can lift something heavier than a tv remote.

p.s. if you ever wanted to know H&M has killer makeup, for cheap. i got 2 palettes and have been loving them ever since.

how was your easter! i would love to hear all the goodies you got!!

Happiness Is...

  • finally eating something other than crackers
  • chocolate and easter candies...they kill me
  • waking up to my husband every morning. its my favorite
  • when my husband serenades me with his mad skills
  • vine, i LOL all day
  • neon phone cases
  • i am wearing pink. again
  • when my husband says he wants to watch Harry Potter
  • seeing blossoms on the trees
  • forehead kisses
  • vases with flowers in them
  • my glass owl sitting on my shelf
  • boots. i am sad that boot weather is almost over

1 comment:

  1. are you sick in these pictures? because you can't even tell, you look slammin!
