
sunshine award.

it has been awhile since this has happened but the cutie Jennie Grange nominated me for The Sunshine Award! and i am just so flattered! Jennie has the cutest blog and it is all about her adventures and happenings as a married woman. she is utterly adorable. you should check it out you will not be disappointed.

+ you must link back to my sunshine award blog
+ include the sunshine logo in your blog
+ answer the following 10 questions
+ nominate bloggers who add a touch of sunshine to your day!

Question 1: What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
I would have to say dressing up as crazy things and running around my neighborhood when i was a little girl. one of my best friends Tarah and i would do it all the time, people probably thought we were insane.

Question 2: Hot or cold weather?
since i can't pick luke warm....i would have to say cold. i would rather bundle up than sweat to death.

Question 3: What is your favorite season?
my favorite season is fall. i absolutely love it! my favorite part about it is all the fall smells and the fact that i get to wear boots, cardigans and other fall-wear.

Question 4: First thing you do when you wake up?
first thing i do is turn over, snuggle up to my handsome husband and smooch him on the face. it is one of my favorite parts of the day.

Question 5: Favorite part about the city you live in?
logan is a wonderful place, and it's hard to just pick one since i love everything about it. i love that everyone is so involved in our school and that game days are insane. typical lovely college town.

Question 6: What's one thing that can immediately brighten your day?
my husband. he is my best friend and i have no idea what i would do without him. he can always brighten my day no matter what mood i am in. he is absolutely the best.
Question 7: What book can you read over and over again?
The Host and the Harry Potter series. they are both wonderful. this is such a difficult question, since i am such a bookworm.

Question 8: Met anyone famous?
famous in my book anyway...We Came As Romans [the band] sat right behind me at a Jazz game one time. i turned around, chatted with them for a bit, and got my picture taken with them. it was a stellar moment.

Question 9: What is your worst habit?
my worst habit is taking things for granted. not taking into full appreciation what i have.

Question 10: What is your best Halloween costume you've ever worn?
in 6th grade i was an old woman. it was very elaborate and hilarious. it was by far my favorite costume.

i nominate:
+ amanda from we & serendipity
+ bekah from A & B
+ lexi from oh, the places you'll go
+ mikell from love & such
+ kelsey from a little bird told me
+ calea from calea upsidedown
+ ruthie from chapped lips and chapped stick


  1. your the cutest. Such sweet words you said about me! xoxo
    ps. loved your answers. and your bed comforter is darling!

  2. This reminded me of that one time me, you, & Ashlee dressed up as old ladies and walked around the neighborhood.... remember that? Hilarious! You're so cute Sara!

  3. thank you so much for the sweetest comment! it made my day :)

    can't wait to see more from you too

    <3 your newest follower

  4. Aw, I just got around to reading The Host. SOOO good! I was sad that the movie didn't live up to it but oh well ;)
    And I am right there with you, I would much rather bundle up than sweat the second I leave the house. No fun.
    xo TJ

