

me, along with the rest of the world is buzzing about this movie. 
yes it is utterly amazing and i think that everyone should go see it.
i cried and laughed.
my husband even loves the movie. and he rarely loves movies.
mostly just strongly likes them.
or thinks they're 'alright.'
anyway i love that man.

four, the attractive man even shows his back tattoo.
but i always picture him saying "wanna see my back muscles?" instead.
you'll definitely know which part i'm talking about if you've seen it.
because they steamily kiss right after the back muscles are pulled out.

the book is definitely better, books always are.
they give more in-depth detail, and i can imagine it my own way.
but i am happy to inform you good people that it followed the book really well.
i was impressed.

well here i am a month after my last post.
(hashtag) the struggle.
i promise to try to be better.

also...the divergent soundtrack is possibly the best playlist any movie has ever had.
it is all that has played in my car since it has come out.
take a listen.
you'll be addicted. much like drugs.
but don't do drugs, that's gross.

ramble ramble.
here it is.

1 comment:

  1. YES! i loved the movie, too! and that back muscles scene...you are spot on. it was too good. i havent read the books, so i have to ask. are they worth it if i've seen the movie first?
