
DIY: ombre hair.

last year around this time i had a melt and i absolutely loved it! i looked at a few places around town and to get my hair colored and they were all $75+. i was feeling a little cheap at the time so i decided to look how to do it myself in the place that has everything: pinterest. it really contains everything. 

i was a little nervous, because it could turn out a total fail and ruin my hair, or it could turn out the exact way i wanted. so i decided to take that risk...and it only cost me about $20 at the most. 

i died my hair a brown color that i bought at walmart for $5.00 at first because i already had highlights in my hair. i wanted it all one color before i did the ombre. 
you will need:
+ 20 volume peroxide/developer
+ 1 packet of powdered bleach 
+ 1 mixing bowl
+ 1 pair of gloves
+ 1 toothbrush

1. pour 2 ounces of peroxide/developer, and the packet of bleach into the mixing bowl until it is well mixed together
2. separate your hair into 4 sections [can do more if you wish]
3. dip toothbrush into bleach/peroxide mixture and starting at the ends of your hair brush the bleach throughout your hair until it is blended the way you want
4. make sure to apply it more plentifully to the ends of your hair since you want them to be the lightest
5. leave the bleach in 10-20 minutes. depending on how light you want it. [i left it in for 20 minutes]
6. after the time is up wash your hair and style as you normally would