

so this guy, he is my happiness. 
he makes me happy every single day.
let me tell you a little something about him.
he has a dimple, you can kinda see it in this photo.
if you could fall in love with someones side of their face, it would be his right side first.
since he always drove me around i could always get a good view of that dimple. 
and i still love it.

this post is about happiness.
i use to always do a list of what made me happy for the day.
so i' gonna bring that back.

let me tell  you another lil' story:
my husband is what made me happy tonight/last night. [its not what you think...]
i woke up in the middle of the night deathly ill.
i puked from 3:00 in the morning till 5:30 am.
i swear my insides were trying to kill me.

cute colin was basically the best.
he held me, stayed up with me, and got me whatever i needed.
i sure love that man. he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Happiness Is...

  • finally being able to keep food down
  • redecorating our cute apartment
  • fruit snacks, yeah my mom hooked us up
  • old navy sweats. $15 i think yes. and they have hearts on them, so it makes it even better.
  • the office, i literally LOL every time i watch it. yes i reverted back to middle school slang 
  • slippers. they keep my feet cozy
  • a warm husband. he is my personal heater, and its wonderful because obviously my blood runs cold
  • "toby, i don't understand why you aren't murdered every hour." -dwight
  • stride sour patch gum. it makes my face squint 
  • twitter tweats, i read them often
  • when it is sunny outside, the logan weather has been bipolar, it can't decide what it wants to do.
  • redoing my blog...i do it often
  • reading. i am a readaholic


  1. thank you for blogging again. I love your happiness lists. This makes me happy :)

  2. Yey, happiness lists! :) I understand what you mean about the "personal heater" thing. I swear I run a whole lot colder than everyone else...I actually like being cold but I would never, ever turn down a reason for a cuddle!

  3. What a cute post :) What are you reading lately? I just finished a book so I'm up for a new one! :)

