
7 months.

yes, in fact this dear man and i have been married for 7 months. that means in 5 months we will have been married for a year, and it will have been the best year of my life! i stinking love his guts.

i think anniversaries are wonderful. if you have been married under a year, freak, celebrate every month! celebrating your marriage is the best thing ever, because it is such a positive thing. i wake up every morning loving the fact that i am married to my best friend in the whole world. and to top it all off he is dang handsome. i tell him that, along with i love you, every single day. because i don't want him to ever forget how much a love him.

ya, ya i might be a sap, but once you fall in love and get married, it will be your favorite thing ever. trust me. 

i don't usually say anything profound, mostly i just ramble. but here is my profound shpeel i guess. colin and i danced to a different song at our wedding. but basically the day after we decided THIS (song below) was OUR song. it means so much to us and basically describes everything we feel about each other to a T. when taylor swift sings "our song is something something something...something something something..." (i don't know the words, but) i am convinced she was singing about this song. hopefully you fall in love with this song like we did.

so here's to 7 months with the best man i've ever met. and i can't wait for eternity.

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