
tis the season.

you must know that i absolutely love christmas. love love it. after colin and i got back from our thanksgiving feasts i immediately put up the tree, stockings and all our christmas decorations. i couldn't help myself! there is nothing i love more than seeing a lit christmas tree in the living room. i have it on 24/7...but don't mind the bare bottom of the tree. we haven't quite invested in a christmas tree skirt.

i will let you in on a little christmas secret. if you go to Bed, Bath & Beyond you can get 50 christmas ornaments for $10. such a steal. that amazingly cute 'Grinch' decoration my parents gave me from the fabulous Swiss Days. it's kind of adorable. my mom knows how much i love the Grinch so he made sure to get it for me....awww.

husband and i even took 2nd place in our wards gingerbread making contest. i must say that it isn't too shabby! and yes, the swoops were all courtesy of colin. cheers to christmas!

1 comment:

  1. That gingerbread house is making my mouth water! It looks delicious! :) Nomnomnom. That deserves 1st place if you ask me! Your tree is the cutest as well! I can't wait until things start getting all festive-y at my place as well :)
